Benjamin and Abigail had the misfortune of one of the hottest wedding days I’ve ever experienced. It was in the upper 90’s and so humid you probably could have drank the air through a straw. Hot, hot, hot, hot! However, that was literally the only thing I think anyone could complain about when speaking of […]
Jacob and Kelsey got married last Saturday in a beautiful Traditional Serbian Orthodox Ceremony. The May weather was perfect, the details were meticulously arranged, everything went exceedingly smoothly. That’s not what I’ll remember about the day though. I will definitely remember this wedding for the rest of my life. Not because it was my first […]
It’s the off-season. As in, not wedding season. (Typically considered to be April-October) For a wedding photographer Winter is the best time to start learning new techniques, try out new gear, and start planning for the year ahead. Late Winter and Early Spring are hard for me. I start to get anxious and excited to […]
My Aunt Marolyn is my dad’s older sister. She and her husband Gilbert have been a huge influence in my life. They are a godly example of love, patience, and faithful prayer. My Aunt Marolyn is a fierce prayer warrior and she prays for hundreds of people every day. She’s what I would call the […]
The internet told me that this week is Infertility Awareness Week. The internet told me that 1 in 8 couples experience infertility. I guess, David and I are one of those couples. (I guess?) I really hesitate to put that sentence in writing. Notice I said experience infertility and not suffer from infertility. I’ve never for […]