I’m a dog person. I have two. One that’s a totally blind fur ball named Cody, and the other is Lucy. Lucy has more personality than a lot of people I know. She’s easily startled. She’s neurotic. She’s nervous. She loves David a little more than she loves me. She likes her red ball so […]
We’ve all been subject to the cruel 1-10 rating system at some point in our lives. I’m sometimes painfully aware that my husband is a 9 and I’m about a 5. It’s not self deprecation. It’s the truth. He is WAY better looking than I am or will ever be. I married up. It’s ok […]
I’m the Martha Stewart of Raccoons. I’m the hostess with the mostest. They CANNOT resist my charm! I’m a virtual Pied Piper… except instead of luring Raccoons away from their parents, I lure entire families to my home to- by all means- Get comfortable! Stay! Enjoy yourself!! Can I get you anything to eat? Are […]
Those of you who read last Friday’s post will know that my home has recently been invaded by a pregnant female raccoon and her eventual babies. We called American Animal Control who sent Mike out to seal holes and set traps. Thinking “Rosie the Raccoon” has been barricaded in our attic, we’ve been waiting for her to emerge […]
Two weeks ago we noticed some strange thumping in the recesses of our house. We’re no strangers to animal invaders in our home. We’ve dealt with bats, mice, spiders, and a host of other critters in our various homes over the last 10 years, so this didn’t seem like a big deal. I’m like Snow […]