He’s been gone more in the month of June than he’s actually been home. Much more, actually. Sad, but true. My husband has been traveling all over the place! He’s been to Chicago, Dallas, Columbus, Cincinnati, Atlanta… and I’m probably forgetting a city or two… Since it’s the height of my busy season, I’ve been […]
We’ve all been there. We’ve decided that a new family portrait is in order. Six new children have been born since the last photo, it’s definitely time. We’ve chosen the date, the photographer, and obviously all the family members. Then we realize with a weighty sense of doom that we still have to make the […]
We got home from the shoot and I had to give myself a little pep talk. I’d been planning it for so long. I tend to build things up in my mind and idealize things, so I almost had to prep myself for a huge disappointment. I just knew all my previsualization and dreaming had […]
I’m a dog person. I have two. One that’s a totally blind fur ball named Cody, and the other is Lucy. Lucy has more personality than a lot of people I know. She’s easily startled. She’s neurotic. She’s nervous. She loves David a little more than she loves me. She likes her red ball so […]
We’ve all been subject to the cruel 1-10 rating system at some point in our lives. I’m sometimes painfully aware that my husband is a 9 and I’m about a 5. It’s not self deprecation. It’s the truth. He is WAY better looking than I am or will ever be. I married up. It’s ok […]